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 on: June 24, 2020, 10:24:48 pm 
Started by Coolrock - Last post by Coolrock
Title. Looking to get C&C Mode working on UE4.

 on: July 09, 2019, 03:33:25 pm 
Started by reborn - Last post by reborn
Hey reborn, good to hear from you! That sounds really tough. Glad to hear that you are getting closer to an end. I ended up at JakesTrueStory after clicking around on your castles site and it looks like you are putting an amazing effort in making it bearable for the boy. I hope things go well after the end of treatment.

As for the bouncy castles site, it looks colorful and fun, so that is a good match to the subject. :)

About me, I'm good. As you noticed, I don't read the forums regularly any more. I just got the keys to my new-built house a month ago, so I'm quite busy with walls, floors, kitchen, furniture, etc.

Ah yeah, we do sometimes link to his facebook page from there. We have been honoured to help out some children's cancer wards and hospitals, to try and change life around them, rather than just complain.

The bouncy castle site is nice, just a Content Management System, but the content is mine and it's ranking pretty well.

I had to sell the previous business when he fell sick, so this is a new(ish) domain really, but despite that it's doing well and we have a pretty healthy income from it.

Congratulations on your new home! We had to do much of the same work you're describing on our house several years ago. It's a chore, but it saves some money and gives you a chance to get a nice home for what you can afford.

Did you ever end up working as a coder or in the industry? I hope you're well! :-)

 on: June 30, 2019, 05:52:53 pm 
Started by reborn - Last post by StealthEye
Hey reborn, good to hear from you! That sounds really tough. Glad to hear that you are getting closer to an end. I ended up at JakesTrueStory after clicking around on your castles site and it looks like you are putting an amazing effort in making it bearable for the boy. I hope things go well after the end of treatment.

As for the bouncy castles site, it looks colorful and fun, so that is a good match to the subject. :)

About me, I'm good. As you noticed, I don't read the forums regularly any more. I just got the keys to my new-built house a month ago, so I'm quite busy with walls, floors, kitchen, furniture, etc.

 on: May 30, 2019, 03:14:20 pm 
Started by reborn - Last post by reborn
Hah, so I am now 37 years old and my new website is here:

It's been a rough few years. My son fell ill just over 3 years, just turned Three. It turned out he had Laeukemia and he is still undergoing chemo treatment, with lumbar punctures, MRI's and all sorts of horrible things. Fortunately, there is only 16 weeks left till he rings the bell to end treatment and then we can schedule in his portacath removal (a semi-permanent port under the skin that allows IV medication straight to the blood stream and also to take blood samples).
It's been horrible, but we are close to the end.

How is everyone here? Any news? What are people doing?

 on: April 06, 2018, 09:54:35 pm 
Started by Gwynzer - Last post by InsanityRocks
Sweet!  :)

 on: April 06, 2018, 07:26:19 pm 
Started by Gwynzer - Last post by Gwynzer
We are now using Discord. Join us!

 on: August 22, 2017, 06:30:08 pm 
Started by Gwynzer - Last post by Dealman
Sounds good to me. I'll have a look at it when I have a bit of time.

Hmm, "Dealman", where have I heard that name before. Date registered: February 27, 2012? Has to be a bug in the forum software... Hmm... ;) Kidding of course. Good to see you drop by again! How are you?

2012? I could have sworn it was longer than 5 years?  :o

I'm doing alright! Been tough finding jobs, very saturated over where I live but seem to finally have found some place with very good chances of staying for a longer time. Just got news today that my contract will be extended until the end of November. So that's good  ;D

How are you? How's BlackIntel as a whole doing nowadays? You guys still play them vidya games or mostly just chit chat every now and then?

Me and a few friends have been working on a community for a while, been up and down. We had some success with DayZ back in ArmA 2 - hosted some popular servers for that and some other stuff. Then it kinda died out.

Been wanting to get back into it but turns out that when you grow up, time becomes much more valuable and less available.  :'(

 on: August 21, 2017, 06:54:55 pm 
Started by Gwynzer - Last post by StealthEye
Sounds good to me. I'll have a look at it when I have a bit of time.

Hmm, "Dealman", where have I heard that name before. Date registered: February 27, 2012? Has to be a bug in the forum software... Hmm... ;) Kidding of course. Good to see you drop by again! How are you?

 on: August 21, 2017, 04:31:46 pm 
Started by Gwynzer - Last post by Dealman
I would love it if you guys got a Discord server running, would be nice to chat with y'all every now and then. I miss the good old times!  :'(

I've set up a Discord server for my community, it's a pretty straightforward process so if you need any help don't hesitate to ask but I'm sure you'll figure it out on your own no problem.

As for my statement about Discord being better than TeamSpeak, it was a bit sarcastic. I still use TeamSpeak now and then, but in all honesty really the only advantage I see of TeamSpeak as of now is the possibilities with plugins. But I'm sure Discord will have something similar in the future.

 on: August 21, 2017, 02:24:43 pm 
Started by Gwynzer - Last post by InsanityRocks
Discord has no where near surpassed Teamspeak. Depends on what you want to use it for. :p

I have to say for BI I think Discord is probably a more sensible step. It's basically combining IRC and a Voice server.

Adding my 2 cents: Discord is free, so that's attractive. And it has clients on nearly everything, another bonus.

I have a Discord server and I just recently started dealing with Roles and Permissions. I had to consult their documentation but even after that it wasn't immediately obvious what I needed to do - maybe they assume someone coming from TS/Mumble/Vent would be reading them *shrugs*

With Discord being Free, what's to lose in giving it a try?

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June 02, 2024, 03:20:52 pm