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Author Topic: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)  (Read 39454 times)


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2009, 08:00:07 pm »

Ok... There were five guys in the outpost: Gwynzer, Blind, Thomas, Samzi, Ati and... Slyfox? That's six if my counting is right. And seeing that I was a cameo or a mistake or an unfinished project, you could delete me from the second post. Doesn't make sense that I disappeared and no one noticed. (I would rather be somewhere in the story, but your choice)


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2009, 08:06:56 pm »

Yeah someone else pointed that out :P As I said at the time, thats the problem with writing something and firing it straight up. That said, it does state that Gwynzer orders them to move out then five guys walk off, could be Gwynzer watching them mvoe (may edit that piece). I dunno..will have to ponder on my choice.


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2009, 08:21:49 am »

well, from what I can see only SamZi should survive, as Gwynzer should now be infected as well.
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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2009, 01:55:18 pm »

I've a Natural Immunity to Death-By-having-flesh-ripped-out-and-throat removed, Evil.
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Gwynzer@IRC: PENIS
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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2009, 05:45:27 pm »

I've a Natural Immunity to Death-By-having-flesh-ripped-out-and-throat removed, Evil.


It sounds like fun!
I'd take the time to make it if it's going to be set up!
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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2009, 07:11:33 pm »

Sorry about the delay. I've made some slight tweaks to the first chapters so you may wish to re-read those.

Chapter 7. Forgotten.

Slyfox waited patiently in the dark. He’d heard the com chatter but largely ignoring, listening only for the order to tell him to return. He forced himself to stay down there in the dark, despite the screams and blaster fire from above. He was a soldier and would obey orders. When the detpack exploded he was thrown from his feet and barely missed falling over the sides. With his head hanging over the edge he could see flashes of white Stormtrooper armour, only a few levels below him now and surging round and round the walkways towards him. He made a decision and got up, running back towards his comrades.

He vaulted over the crates, tripping over something as he hit the other side and sprawling in to the wall hard. Gwynzers flashlight still lay on the floor and its light felt a little reassuring after being alone in the dark for so long. He looked back to see what he’d fallen over, something with no head lay bleeding behind the stacked crates. He couldn’t tell who it had been but recognised the uniform as one of his own. Panicing he forced himself back to his feet and started forward again.

The smell was getting worse, he hadn’t noticed it at first ignoring all his sesnses and listening only to the voice in his head that told him to run. He could hear the noises now too and slowed, letting his blaster lead the way as he carefully backed up the tower, it’s walls providing some form of comfort in the limited protection it might offer.

It was Blind he noticed first, squatting and sniffing the air, yet it wasn’t Blind. Something seemed wrong, unnatural. The ragged group of Imperials didn’t add to the image, of the mass of others that were trying to swarm through a shredded hole in the towers wall. One of the Stormtroopers rose and ran towards the hole, knocking one of his comrades over the side as he went, not even looking back to rescue him. The one that fell made no noise as it flashed past Sly. He stood still, unable to move as his brain tried to piece together the clues and give him some kind of logical explanation.

He noticed it then. Another rebel uniform lay at the bottom of the mass of troops, he watched as Blind ducked down and came back up a moment later, shreds of the material in his mouth glistening wet. Where they eating it? Blind screamed. That chilling shriek that had echoed through the tower and Sly’s eyes snapped up and locked on his former squadmate. No recognition lay behind those eyes up there, only lust and hunger. No, more than hunger… a longing, a desire to…to… eat me?

The thought flashed through Sly’s mind and seemed to fit, made everything make sense even as the other things up there joined in Blinds chorus and tunred to Sly. He carefully thumbed the safety from a frag nade and lightly tossed it forwards. None of them took heed of it, instead rising and turning, mouths gnashing in anticipation of fresh meat.

It erupted with a large thump, searing Sly’s eyes and deafening him. The mass of creatures above disappeared in the erupting fireball, some thrown down the shaft with the force of the explosion. He blinked a few times to try and clear his sight but the red dots refused to go away. With what little vision he had left he stumbled forward up the ramp. He reached the hole in the tower wall and greedily drank in the refreshing night air, filling his lungs and relishing the sensation. As his eyes began to clear he surveyed the towers walkway once more. Blood had been baked a dark brown on the walls by the explosion, though large quantities remained liquid in areas of the floor. Near the corner lay the creatures last meal, a mess of rebel uniform, limp limbs and torn flesh.

He flipped it over, ever aware of the increasing noise behind him as yet more of the creatures clamoured towards him. Gwynzer stared back, eyes vacant, no longer reflecting any evidence of life. A wad of paper poked out from a pocket and Sly grabbed it and stuffed it inside a pocket before turning back towards the jagged tear that beckoned to safety.


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2009, 11:29:38 pm »

Thanks for posting the other part and rewriting the previous posts!  :)

One question though: are you going to be in the story?


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2009, 11:36:14 pm »

Twigs is the "AI Director", a straight port from Left 4 Dead who chooses where Zombies go and where any weapon pickups are located.
Quote from: TK2 Ban Policy
ur gut feelings are good enough.

Quote from: Ren BI1
Gwynzer@IRC: PENIS
shippo: sigh
lavakill: he always ruins everything


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2009, 12:27:22 am »

Chapter 8. Survivors

Krenyo, Impy and Benu looked round the room, surveying the devastation. They had gained access to the upper level of one of the outposts control towers. Datascreens were smashed, panels ripped away leaving the inner workings exposed and disturbingly, blood had dried in many areas.

“Is that stuff safe to touch?” asked Krenyo, looking over to Impy.

“I’m not sure,” he answered shrugging his shoulders, “if it’s dried, maybe the virus got killed off.”

“Ok, Benu, its your call. I want you to try and hack in to one of those terminals, see what you can find.”

The younger member paused for a second, contemplating the possible effects of becoming infected by some obscure disease that may have claimed his other squad mates. Without replying he removed a portable datapad from a pocket and set about trying to interface with the broken equipment.

“If this thing is as bad as Impy says, just shoot me if I start showing any symptoms.”

“I will.” Answered Impy, already pulling his weapon round ready to bear down on Benu, “I told you, once you get infected you’re not the same person anymore. It’s not personal.”

Krenyo gazed out of the outposts window as Benu continued working behind him, lit only by the soft glow of the datapads tiny screen. The two T1-B’s that remained with them had taken advance positions on the road ahead, above loomed the cliffs where the massive sensor dish could just be made out against the night sky. The two tanks were turning their formidable laser turrets from left to right, scanning for approaching Imperials, or whatever else may try to come for them. Something caught his eye and he glanced back towards it. There it was again!

A small light flashed once or twice from far above the cliff tops, Krenyo judged it to be the sensor stations control room. “Impy, these infected, how smart are they?”

“Dunno, didn’t really get told much about them. Someone said they could use weapons though. Why do you ask?”

“I think there’s someone up there, look. Wait, it’s gone.”

“Got it!” exclaimed Ben, rapidly punching more commands in to the pad. “Ok boss, what do you want to know?”

Krenyo crouched down behind him to get a glimpse of the screen, “How many people were here, and see if you can find anything on this disease.”

Benu, entered the information and waited. “Personnel, 250. Doesn’t sound a lot but they probably kept it to engineers, commanders and a guard contingent until it came online. I’ll try and access sick bay records.”

“Boss, we ain’t alone.” Interrupted Impy, pointing to another terminal, “Someone wants to say hi.”

Krenyo looked over and paused, “Infected?”

Impy shook his head, “They don’t talk, not in any way we’d understand anyway. They just do that howling thing and grunt, maybe it’s some way of communicating but I never heard anything about them using a com system.”

“Benu, can you get it working?”

“Sure, just need to transfer the network paths. That should do it.” He pressed a button and the pads tiny speaker squawked.

“….requesting assistance, is anyone there?”

“Who is this?” Krenyo asked.

“Commander Tarketh, we’re trapped here and need immediate evacuation by air. We explicitly said ground forces should not be sent in our emergency communiqué.”

“Well Commander, we didn’t receive any communication from you. My name is Krenyo, I am a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and I’m here to destroy your sensor dish.”

“Very well,” came the reply drily, “I have no interest in any kind of conflict with you Krenyo. Let me explain briefly what has happened here. There are eight of us trapped at the control room on top of the facility. Everyone else here has been affected by a disease, one that you really do not wish to experience. We have sent requests for help but have no way to know if they have been received. I would appreciate it if you could rescue us. Now.”

The three rebels looked at one another, although expecting something like this it still came as a shock to hear the Imperial asking for their assistance.

“Commander, what can you tell us about this disease?” asked Krenyo, seizing the opportunity to get as much information as possible.

“You have already accessed our computers, look for Blackwing. That is the name of the virus. I should warn you gentlemen, there really is not much time. Return to your ships and pick us up.”

Krenyo shook his head as he addressed the com again, “I can’t do that Tarketh, this could still be a trap. We have some T1-B’s here and we’ll use those to secure the compound before getting you out.”

Tarketh cursed at him down the com before resuming the conversation, “You don’t have long and this is no trap. At least, not on our part, I can’t speak for them.”

“Krenyo, I got it.” Said Benu, holding up a second data pad, “everything they have on this Blackwing virus.”

The Rebel leader nodded and turned back to his com channel, “Ok Tarketh, we have your information and we’ll be there shortly.”

Without waiting for a reply he powered down the unit and tossed it back to Benu. “Ok, hand me the Blackwing stuff, we can read it on the way up. Impy, you still ok?”

“Yeah, sure thing boss.”  He answered, though still not sounding himself, “Lets just get this one over with and get off this rock.”

One of the T1-B’s opened fire, quickly followed by the other. The sound of the two twin barrelled laser turrets echoed off the cliffs, deafening the three men in the turret. Ben had to shout to make himself heard, “WHAT IS IT?”

Impy shook his head and ran to the window, the flashes of red light from the tanks lit the area up like a flash of lightening. Scores of them streamed towards their position from over the cliffs and a nearby cave. Some wore pieces of Stormtrooper armour, others the uniform of imperial officers. Imperial knew immediately what they were and merely pointed at them. Benu and Krenyo joined him by the window and gazed in astonishment.

Laser bolts tore through bodies, gouging out flesh, tearing away limbs and sending the unlucky victim hurtling backwards, yet time and again they picked themselves up and moved on. Some pulled themselves forward using their arms, legs torn away or twisted in some grotesque manner. Despite their firepower, the T1-Bs were forced to move backwards to stop the creatures reaching them. The lead tank lowered its rocket pod and fired a salvo, clearing a swathe through the creatures. The triple explosion hurled bodies through the air and sent shrapnel tearing through others, cutting them down in their relentless push.

The haunting, spine tingling scream echoed from the cliffs once more. The rebels watched as the former Imperials before them joined in, before turning and moving back towards the station.

“They’re going to wait for us.” said Imperial. “They’ll wait up there until we can’t use the tanks then attack.”

“Krenyo, maybe we should bring the Gallofree’s up,” said Ben, “do like that Imp officer said and go for an aerial rescue.”

The squad leader shook his head and looked down, “That would leave that sensor dish still up. The mission still needs to be completed.”

“It isn’t a sensor station.” answered Benu, “The dish doesn’t work, its just a cover. They’ve been working with this Blackwing virus since day one. Read the files, it’s all in there.”

Krenyo flicked on the datapad Benu had given him earlier. The tiny screen flickered on and bathed their faces in a pale gloomy blue as the three men leaned forward towards it.


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2009, 12:27:47 am »

Chapter 9. Blackwing

Chief Medical Officer Timkalou, ISD Vector.

Imperial bioweapons Project I71A – Blackwing

Initial studies carried out on Meglumine show positive results. Transfer of the materials has now been ordered by Lord Vader to Khonji Seven via the ISD Vector. Studies will continue whilst aboard and a lab has been made available for our use.

Initial symptoms for those affected by airborne spores bare similar resemblance to many naturally occurring diseases. The most obvious is a deep persistant cough. Further onset of the disease results in the breakdown of tissue within the internal organs. Notably, the lungs will begin bleeding profusely. Death occurs in 100% of all cases.

Secondary symptoms.
Following medical death, the disease begins to mutate within the muscular tissue. Subjects re-animate within the hour. Eye’s are typically reddened, and skin pallor is similar to that of rotten flesh (among human subjects). No intelligence detected or vocal communication. Sounds limited to grunts and a repeated scream. Subjects exhibit a strong desire to consume the flesh of other living creatures, transmission of the disease through the saliva glands noted.

No current inoculation has been successfully developed. Extreme care should be taken when distributing the virus to prevent contamination within Imperial ranks. Area’s infected should be isolated from other populous regions. Natural immunity has been observed.

History of the virus is unknown, being first brought to our attention by the Lord Vader, it is not unfeasible to suggest that it was at some point in the past used as a Sith weapon. Imperial study of the original virus showed inherent weaknesses in its original form, and mutation and genetic manipulation resulted in it’s current form. Highly contagious in both airborne spores and by infection through bodily fluids of those carrying the virus, safety is of the utmost importance when working with the material.

The first carrier of the disease is unknown to us by name, but studies confirm it to be human. A pair of lungs replete with vocal chords was brought to us from Lord Vader’s personal guards. The lungs continued to function despite having no visible means of preservation. Colour would indicate them to be dead tissue but in fact the opposite was true. The lungs functioned enough to be able to provide an aural response in the form of an inhuman screaming.

The lungs appeared to have some fluid in them, a sample was taken and shown to carry a disease, termed A71A. A rebel prisoner was injected with the fluid and studied. Following clinical death within 25 hours he was taken for examination through autopsy. Only medical droids were allowed in the room for the duration of the autopsy to reduce the risk of infection to our own staff. Upon opening the chest cavity, the subject began to exhibit signs of life, the man displayed tremendous signs of strength, destroying two medical droids, despite the open chest wound. Destruction was the only way to secure the safety of the staff. Although pre-warned on the effects of the virus we were still surprised at its effects.

Encouraged by the results, we undertook the task of improving the virus’s capabilities. We reduced the infection time and increased it’s contagious abilities. The results were termed Blackwing.

Personal notes
Should not be underestimated, by increasing the contagion we inadvertently introduced a desire for the transformed creatures to feed on living tissue. Although this will transmit the disease via the creatures bite, the verocity of their appetite is overwhelming. The creatures do possess some intelligence, or at least the ability to learn and adapt. The remains of the first carrier are the key, it somehow communicates with the others, its children almost. It senses what they sense, tells them what it wants. We have cloned it successfully, giving us the ability to take the disease where we wish. We have infected it with the engineered virus, and as hoped it mutated the original form. Now we are able to take the virus directly from the source, almost like farming. It is a tremendous site, to see those pairs of lungs breathing with no other organs maintaining them. Tubes attached to the lungs siphon off the virus to collector tanks, ready for distribution to those worlds harbouring Rebel cells. We now have three of these creatures that we are able to extract the virus from. We will continue to improve the virus, perhaps even find a way to control it ourselves and enslave those infected.

Work will continue as we journey to our next destination. The disease shows remarkable resilience to any form of drug and has successfully been tested across a variety of sentient species. I am confident that we will be able to reduce even further the amount of time required to reach the final stage of the disease.


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2009, 03:37:42 am »

Thanks you so much for the new posts!  ;D


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2009, 04:57:13 pm »

Chapter 10. Trapped.

Krenyo whistled, startling his two companions. “Ok, so it’s some kind of engineered virus. Nothing there that says this place was a cover for working on it.”

“That’s only the first file,” said Benu, quickly scrolling to the next one in the pad, “that officer died on board the Vector. When the team went on they pulled all the data they could find. Someone figured his notes may have been copied and so they changed the final destination.”

“Sorry to break this up,” interrupted Impy, “but we need to get moving. Make a choice boss, you want to get those imps out or just pull back?”

“We have to go up.” Benu said it quickly, adding his opinion before Krenyo could give any further orders, “we need to find the Black Intel guys.”

“Ben,” Krenyo placed a hand on his shoulder and softened his voice, “you’ve read the file, I don’t think they’re alive anymore.”

Benu shook Krenyo off and strode towards the ladder that led to the ground floor, “I’m going up there to find out.”

“Cack it, I’m with you Ben.” Impy shouldered his weapon and followed Benu out leaving Krenyo to watch them. He sighed, pocketed the data pad and caught them up. The three men moved up the dirt road to the top of the mountain and the plateau that held the sensor station. The two T1-B’s crept along with them, their powerful turrets constantly looking for anything that could threaten the safety of the group.

No-one noticed the figures that lined the tops of the cliffs towering above them. None of them paid any attention to the noise as small stones skittered down the sides occasionally. Suddenly a thundering, crashing thunder echoed from the cliff walls, Impy pushed Krenyo and Ben to the floor as a small avalanche rushed towards them. The three of them covered their heads, unable to do much more than wait for the crushing agonising death caused by tons of falling rock. The tanks were too slow to react, one was swept away completely by the falling rocks, their weight pushing it over the side of the cliff that fell away to the left hand side. The other was crushed beneath the falling rocks, the shriek of metal protesting against the overwhelming force of gravity indicated that the men inside would not survive.

Krenyo rose first, coughing and rubbing his eyes as clouds of dust hung in the air, a few stones still rolled down the mountain side and he looked up warily. Through the dust and the dark night sky he could make out a few figures against the backdrop of the Imperial station. They screamed at him before moving away from the edge and out of Krenyo’s vision.

“Ok guys,” he said, as Ben and Imp also rose from the ground, “now we’re alone, and those things are a cacking sight more intelligent than that report says.”

Impy shook his head, “That’s impossible, you think they caused this?”

The determined officer nodded, “I’m sure of it. This was planned, they weren’t going for us, just taking the T1-B’s out.” He looked back towards them, anger flashing in his eyes. “Whatever those cacking Imps did here killed too many of my men. I’m taking some of them with me.”

Benu’s heart sunk. He had no choice now but to go up there and deal with the men infected by the Imperials virus. Were they even men now? What if some of those things up there were his old friends? Could he kill them? Would Impy and Kreny kill him if he got infected too? He coughed, his pals quickly turning towards him, weapons already raised.

“Woah! Woah!” He stammered, “it’s the dust, I swear it’s just the dust.”

“Sorry buddy,” Impy said, lowering the barrel, “just a bit jumpy now. Whatever happens, we take as many as we can. Go for the head and if you get bitten, shoot yourself. If you can’t do that then we need to be prepared to raise a gun on each other, even if we show now signs, ok?”

They all agreed and steadily began making their way upwards through the night. Clouds rolled in once more obscuring the moon and stars and as they walked, each of them couldn’t but shiver at the thought of what might await them.

Slyfox reached up and grabbed a handhold before hauling himself on to a small ledge on the cliff. He almost fell backwards when something grabbed hold of his collar and pulled him up. “Samzi!” He gasped, shocked to see one of pals there.

“You alright?” asked the medic, already checking him over with practiced ease.

“As good as I can be. What happened in there? What are those things?”

Samzi shook his head, looking over to the tower that loomed over them. “I don’t know. Not human, not anymore at least. It’s something that, sounds unbelieveable, it brings the dead to life.”

Sly looked at him, nodding as if it made sense, “They were eating Gwynzer.”

“What do we do now?” Samzi ignored it, not wanting to picture the death of his friend.

“Up or down I guess,” answered Sly, “I want to avoid those things though. Can we contact the other group.”

“No, no coms on me. Hey look.” Samzi pointed as the lights of Krenyo’s rear party shone through the undergrowth far below and headed towards the landing point. “We’ll head down towards them. Maybe it’s a retreat.”

Slyfox peared over the edge and looked down at the Imperial landing position at the base of the tower. “Er..down there? What if more of those things are there?”

Samzi thought it over and nodded, “Yeah, lets keep clear of that. We’ll contour round the cliffs and then drop down to the LZ. Think you can manage it?”

Slyfox grinned, “Eaten by Imperials or falling off a cliff. Shame I didn’t pack my parachute.”

The men laughed and started out, reaching for hand and foot holds. The cliff walls were made of granite and easily bore their weight, rarely crumbling under their touch. A sudden blinding flash struck the wall near Sly, his left hand slipped and his body swung to the right, his right arm bearing all the weight. His vision blurred and spasms erupted through his muscles as electricity coursed through them.

“Samzi..”  He croaked the words out, unable to control his body and hoping his only contact with the cliff wouldn’t give out on him. Another flash struck the side, further away this time. The medic was beside him in a flash, pushing Sly back against the wall as the spasms disippated allowing him to hug the face again.

“What the cack?” he gasped, sucking air greedily as his muscles began to relax.

“They’re shooting at us. DEMP’s. We need to move fast.” They began clawing their way round as more of the dangerous electromagnetic pulses splashed against the mountain.

“Quicker Sly!” urged Samzi, as the bolts erupted closer and closer. A lone Imperial was taking aim at them from the hole they had made in the tower. His expression mindless and uncaring as he tried to send them tumbling to their death. Another blue bolt fizzled towards them as Samzi rounded the edge that beckoned to take them out of sight. He heard the bolt fizz and turned his head away from the bright energy pulses that ringed out as it struck. He heard Sly cry out and peeked round the rocky outcrop.

Slyfox was falling away, paralysed by the high energy pulse, arms and legs outstretched, his eyes closed. He struck another plateau with a sickening thud and remained still. Samzi hastened towards him, jeopardising his own safety he careened down the cliff face using his arms and feet to slow his descent. Stones and shingle knocked loose and cascaded before him, bouncing down the sides and clattering around Slyfox. The medic struck the small ledge hard, his ankle buckling and sending shooting pains up through his leg. He ignored it, quickly checking his friends vitals and pulling pieces of equipment from his pack. A scream echoed out from the Imperial service tower. “Your next.” It seemed to say. “You’re going to die.”


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2009, 04:57:57 pm »

Chapter 11. Watching.

The Imperial facility spread out before them on the flat top of the mountain. Even in the darkness, the white walls of the buildings seemed to shine, laid out with typical Imperial efficiency. Other than the occasional scream from the creatures that now seemed to control it, the area was shrouded in deadly silence. Each step the men took sounded like thunder, no matter how softly they tried to tread. A hangar door yawned at the base of the main complex, beckoning them towards an area so black that none dared to guess what lay within. Various small outer buildings and stacks of creates and supplies seemed to provide safe concealment in which they could hide as they advanced, but the men remained in the open. Somewhere up here, the creatures lay in wait. More intelligent than the files suggested, they had baited them with a trap and all the rebels could do was hope to survive.

“Look,” whispered Krenyo, “up there, the survivors.” He gestured towards the small light at the highest peak of the complex. “Wonder how we get up.”

“Not through there anyway.” Answered Impy loudly, pointing at the open hangar doors. “Did we get a layout while we were in the computer?”

“” Ben said awkwardly, “didn’t think of that.”

“Well, there’s another guard tower there, lets take a look.” Krenyo nodded towards the grey structure not far from their position. Cautiously they stepped towards it, weapons ever ready and constantly looking behind them. They reached the base without incident and looked nervously at the ladder that ascended to the top.

“Who’s first?” Impy said cheerily.

“How about you Mr Happy?” Benu didn’t know if Impy was actually enjoying this or was just trying to keep their spirits up. Whichever it was, the former stormtrooper merely shrugged and secured his weapon around his shoulder.

“Come out come out wherever you are!” he shouted up, before laughing and tossing something in his hands. “Well, if they are up there this should give me a couple seconds.” He pulled the pin on the EMP grenade and threw it lightly up the ladder, watching it bounce easily from the ceiling of the top room before dropping to the floor. Impy was already halfway up the ladder when the energy pulse burst out. Benu and Krenyo quickly followed, ready to fire on whatever lay in wait.

“Nothing.” Krenyo said it for them as they looked round the empty space. It was almost a replica of the outpost building they had checked earlier at the mountain pass. Again, the consoles lay broken. Chairs lay upturned and blood betrayed the violence that had taken place. Benu shivered at the thought of the poor men in here being ripped apart by their former comrades.

“Boss, they know where we’re going.” Impy was gazing out of the window at the only light in the facility. “They’re going to wait until we’re no longer able to retreat.”

“Yeah. I know.”

Silence descended again as they thought of the challenge ahead. Benu tapped away with his kit, trying to connect to the central computer once more. It didn’t take long to find a layout of the area and he beckoned Krenyo over to look.

“We’re here,” he said, pointing on the screen, “main facility is there. Not really much to it, main hangar, some small cross corridors and a couple rooms here and there. Most of the barracks are in the out buildings round back.”

“How do we get up there?” asked the Officer.

“Four ways. There are two staircases inside leading off from the hangar.”

“Forget that,” interrupted Impy, “I am not going in there.”

“Well, theres a small corridor with a ladder leading to an upper level, that opens out to the roof of that corridor and theres another ladder to the top.”

“Slightly more promising,” grunted Impy again, “anything else?”

“Yeah, single ladder round the back that leads all the way up from the ground.” Benu finished showing them the schematics and leaned back, “So, which one is it?”

Krenyo tapped a finger against his lip for a few seconds, mulling it over. “Can we get coms up there? Find out what they know?”

Benu shook his head. “Completely trashed. I think they took out the central server for those systems and I can’t relay the signal anymore.”

“Ok. Well, whichever route we choose we either have to go inside or pass a couple entrances right?” Krenyo looked at them and paused, “My vote is going for that external ladder.”

“Yeah,” nodded Impy enthusiastically, “I’m all for that. Let’s not go inside where they want us.”

“Won’t we be a little exposed on there?” asked Ben nervously, “If we go through the hangar we might be able to use the walker.”

“What walker?” Kreny and Impy chorused together surprised by the new information.

“There’s supposed to be a walker and a Firehawke in there according to the computer.” Answered Benu, a little happier now he was dealing with solid facts and not discussing the best way to avoid death. “Maybe they’re still functioning, we could grab one of them and use it.”

Krenyo laughed then quickly stopped when Benu frowned at him. “Sorry Ben, it’s a nice idea and all, but look around you. What do you think the chances are of those things working? Even if they do, we can’t get them up there.”

“Oh, yeah.” Ben sat back glumly, “Ok, rear ladder it is then.”

“Quick drink and a protein bar then we’ll go.” Impy stood up and stretched. “Those things waited this long for us, another few minutes won’t hurt. Oh, by the way boss, they know we’re here.”

“What makes you say that?” asked Krenyo standing up and joining Impy by the window. The ex-stromtrooper merely pointed towards the hangar. The ATST stood in the doorway, its head pointed towards them waiting patiently like an expectant predator.

“Well Ben, guess that walker works after all.”


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2009, 01:37:13 am »

HA! Love the part where that DEMP2 gets us!  :D

So that little fight DID inspire you.


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Re: First Strikers (guess others here may be interested too...)
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2009, 02:09:04 pm »

Chapter 12. Descent

Slyfox opened his eyes with a gasp, a deep burning sensation in his chest felt like a a vibroknife had been thrust in. The pain passed and he sagged back against the rocky floor, trying to roll on to his side. A heavy hand pushed him back down, “Easy buddy,” said Samzi, “just sit tight.”

Sly closed his eyes and let the medic carry out his work, trying to ignore the screaming voice of his body as various parts protested. The cold rock felt cool on his back and helped a little and the night air brushed across his faces, cold fingers that helped calm him a little. He wasn’t sure what had happened, the last thing he remembered was something blue flashing around him. “DEMP pulse.” He thought, “no wonder I feel like a bantha sat on me.”

“How you feeling Sly?” Samzi asked him, wrapping another bandage round his arm. 

“Like Vaders punchbag.” He answered, opening one eye and looking at his partner. He propped himself up on an elbow and tried to shuffle up to a more comfortable position. “DEMP?”

“Yeah, right on the left side. Left some superficial burns, nothing a bacta patch won’t fix. You fell a fair distance though, that DEMP probably did you a favour.”

“How’d you work that one out?” He groaned, “Doesn’t feel like it did anything for me.”

“I’d say the DEMP probably stopped your heart and any brain stimulus. Your body relaxed when you dropped so it absorbed the shock pretty well when you hit the floor. If you’d been conscious you probably would have tensed up waiting for the impact, definitely would have broken some bones.” The medic said it matter-of-factly, as if there had been no real danger. Sly didn’t think having his heart stop beating was a good thing.

“Dead huh? Good thing that defib works.”

Samzi grinned, “Actually it was, some of those bolts got pretty close to me too. A lot of my kit received enough splash radiation to cack them up. Lucky you huh?”

Sly lay back again and closed his eyes, “Now I wish you hadn’t told me that. So, what’s next?”

The medic finished packing away his med kit and sat back, leaning against a convenient rocky outcrop. He pulled a bottle from another pocket and took a long sip of water before speaking.

“Well, you’ve no broken bones and only a couple of surface wounds. Can’t see any internal bleeding, but without the scans it’s a bit harder to detect. Main worry will be concussion.”

“So what, we sit here and wait to see if more of those Imp things come after us?”
Samzi shook his head, “Too risky, we’re a little exposed out here. We’ll have to keep trying to traverse back to the LZ. Sit yourself up, see how you feel.”

Slyfox did as he was told, gingerly pulling himself up so he was sitting facing Samzi. His back felt a little tight but that was only to be expected after the fall. It was bound to be one massive bruise by the end of the night.

“Feel’s ok,” he said after a brief pause, mentally running through a checklist of how his body might respond, “want to go for it?”

Twisting the lid back on his bottle before placing it carefully back inside his pocket, Samzi shook his head. “Stand up first, I’ll give you a hand, just hold tight and trust me ok? You might be a little dizzy at first, if it gets worse or you start blacking out I got you.”

Samzi stood first, then reached out a hand and helped Sly to his feet. He felt fine to start with, then it hit him, hard. His vision went black around the edges and bright lights popped and danced. The dizziness hit with all the ferocity of an enraged Wampa, almost smashing him to his feet. He gripped tightly to Samzi who held him firm as his knees began to buckle, but he forced himself to stay on his feet, fighting the urge to sag back to the floor. It began to pass, the lights fading first then the black edges to his vision began to retreat. The dizziness faded too, gradually at first, until finally he was able to relax his grip on the man who had risked his life to save him.

“Thanks.” It wasn’t much, but both men knew it meant more than that, an unspoken bond that grows between men who have saved each others lives countless times.

“You good to go now?” asked Samzi, taking Sly by the shoulders and checking his eyes for further signs of shock or concussion.

“No, I’m good.”

“Ok, we’ll stick with the cliffs for now then drop down closer to the LZ. Theres a natural path here, just stick close to the rock face and if you feel yourself going lean back against it.”

Slyfox nodded then thought of something, “How about we tie off together? That way if I fall you can grab me, or maybe you’ll fall first.” He grinned at that last bit, thinking how ironic it would be if Samzi fell first.

“Nah,” he replied, shaking his head, “Works in a group, but with only two of us we’re more likely to drag the other one down. Come on, its not that steep here anyway.”

They set off quickly, picking their way over the trail as it snuck around the high vertical cliff walls. It was hard going in the darkness and inevitably one or both of them would trip on some unseen obstacle. Once or twice they imagined something up ahead, some creature out to catch them as rocky features and large outcrops took on strange shapes in the darkness and made progress slow. The irregular howling of the things from the tower didn’t help either, and Samzi even thought he saw one of the creatures far below them.
The lights from the T1-B’s that had returned earlier got closer and closer and eventually the two men reached a point at which they could descend down to the landing zone. They stopped to catch a breath and slapped each other on the back, pleased to be so close to getting off this wretched rock. Slyfox removed his water bottle and took a long drink and then passed it to Samzi who eagerly lifted it to his mouth. While his companion drank Slyfox surveyed the ground below them.

The T1-B’s were parked in front of the middle of the three Gallofree transport ships. He could here their engines, and the lights indicated that the power was running on them, but they gave an air of abandonment. He frowned, at least one of them should have been patrolling, or using the turret to look for approaching enemy. He shrugged it off, probably nothing. This close to the transports they’d more likely be relying on the ships sensors to warn of approaching danger.

Samzi handed back the empty bottle, “Let’s do it then!” he said cheerily before launching himself once again down a sheer cliff face. As before, he used his hands and feet to slow his descent and Slyfox marvelled at the medic’s bravado. Shrugging he did the same, even pausing to shout “WHEEE!”.

Samzi hit the grassy ground easily, absorbing the shock through his knees and landing in a crouching position like a jungle feline. Slyfox followed a few seconds later but without the same dexterity, stumbling a few steps before taking a comical face flop to the ground. Samzi chuckled and stepped forward to help him up.

“Not having much luck with falling tonight are you?”

Sly spat a few pieces of dried grass and brushed himself off, “Yeah well, I still look good.” They laughed again and looked at the welcome sight of the landed transports.

“After you..” Samzi started when a chorus of screams cut him off. They attacked from the transports, rushing towards them and snarling, mere shadows in the lights of the T1-B’s. Samzi reached for his blaster and hit air, he looked down. His holster wis empty, in the edges of his vision he caught it a few feet away near the foot of the cliffs.

“Cover me!” he shouted, running back to get it as Slyfox dropped to one knee with easy practice. Despite his earlier injuries, adrenaline took over and the years of training and experience guided him as he took shot after shot at the oncoming mass. Dropping one hand he unhooked a fragmentation grenade and threw it forward, ahead of the creatures. They stopped. One of them put its head back and screamed before looking directly at him. He put a shot right between its eyes just as the grenade went off.

The creatures moved forward again and Samzi dropped back beside Slyfox. The two men fired more shots in to the crowd dropping more of them. As they grew closer they could make out more details. Rebel uniforms were dotted among the Stormtrooper outfits and almost all of them had some manner of grotesque injury. Something sounded in the distance, an angry roar that seemed to grow louder as the lights grew stronger. A T1-B burst through the mass of feral creatures sending them tumbling in to one another. Three or four got caught beneath the hover tanks anti grav and were dragged along beneath it. The ground quickly shred skin from bone, ripping away limbs until finally they were pulled free.

Slyfox and Samzi could do nothing but watch as the vehicle rushed towards them and both men closed their eyes waiting for the inevitable impact. A wall of air hit them first, pushed forward by the tanks energy, then it stopped, mere feet away from them. Samzi opened one eye and watched as the tank spun round back towards the Gallos. The rear hatch popped open and a voice shouted at them.

“Well get in then!”

The two men didn’t wait to be told again and threw themselves into the cramped compartment, quickly securing the hatch behind them.

“Right then,” said the voice, “there we go, they lined themselves up again, I like this game! CHARGE!!”

The tank surged forward pushing Samzi and Sly back against the internal bulkhead and a few seconds later they heard the impacts of something against the hull. The driver laughed manically and swung the tank round for another go.

“Now this I could get used to! By the way lads, names Duke.”

Samzi groaned and closed his eyes as he sagged backwards. Sly looked at him, “know him?”

The medic just nodded, then tapped a finger against his temple before making a circular motion. “Mad.”
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June 02, 2024, 10:06:59 pm